Degree Algorithms and the Law
2017 saw the publication of two major reports on UK higher education degree classification systems. The jointly authored report by...
Satellite Litigation and Non-cooperation
All too often, a plea for equality is unhelpfully construed as a plea for special consideration. The litigation in, and public discourse...
Expert Evidence
A Review of Deborah Gabriel and Shirley Anne Tate (eds.), Inside the Ivory Tower: Narratives of Women of Colour Surviving and Thriving in...
Qualifying Law Degree 2020
2014 brought the effective demise of the Joint Academic Stage Board (JASB) regulatory framework governing the university stage of legal...
Law Schools, Social Responsibility and Social Media
One of the more challenging questions confronting the approximately 115 University Law Schools within the UK is how to engage students,...
Lost Chances
The public Inquiry into undercover policing resumed on Monday 20 November 2017 with a two-day hearing held at the Royal Courts of Justice...
Decolonising Curricula: a Legal Case
We cannot know whether the Cambridge University students who posted an open letter to their English Faculty requesting the decolonisation...
Law Schools and a presumption of unlawful discrimination
Recently, public attention has been drawn to the disproportionately high rates of withdrawal from university courses of black students...
Law Schools, Legal Power and Legal Services
Accounts of how the law is deeply implicated in the establishment and maintenance of positions of dominance in society have a visible...
Law School and a little Extra
A student enrolled on a university law degree programme today can expect to receive much more than the lectures, seminars and workshop...